Tag Amirdrassil statistics

John Barrymore March 07, 2024 3 minutes
This blog post analyzes the DPS balance on Amirdrassil during the week of February 27th, using data from Warcraft Logs Raid statistics. It provides an overview of the rankings for different specs and classes, highlighting the top performers and potential biases in the data.
John Barrymore January 09, 2024 3 minutes
This blog post analyzes the DPS balance on Amirdrassil during the week of January 2nd, using data provided by Warcraft Logs. It looks at the 95th percentile statistics and overall results to give a perspective on the current state of class balance for Dragonflight Season 3. However, it acknowledges that there may be biases and limitations in the data, such as certain specs being played less and alternative strategies affecting the rankings.
John Barrymore December 19, 2023 4 minutes
This blog post provides an analysis of the DPS balance on Amirdrassil during the week of December 12th, using data from Warcraft Logs Raid statistics. The post offers insight into the current state of class balance for Dragonflight Season 3, while acknowledging the limitations and biases in the data.
John Barrymore November 28, 2023 7 minutes
This blog post analyzes the DPS balance on Amirdrassil during the week of November 21st, specifically focusing on the 95th percentile statistics for various specs and classes. It provides insights and commentary from class writers on the current state of their respective specs in the Dragonflight Season 3 raid.